Sunday, April 24, 2011


I have mentioned that flamenco can be not only happy and emotional but also deeply sad and serious, depending on the “palo” (flamenco music style). To put it simply, like ballroom dance can be classified into waltz, rumba or cha cha, flamenco can be divided into different palos based on criteria such as basic rhythmic pattern, mode and geographic origin.

Palos are traditionally classified into three groups:
1. Cante jondo: The deepest and most serious forms are known as cante jondo which means “deep song” in Spanish. Famous palos are soleá and siguiriyas. Because it often sings about sorrowful story like death, it is difficult for beginners to learn the group of palos.
2. Cante chico: Cante chico which means “little song” is much lighter than cante jondo. The form of cante chico displays subjects including love and happiness. Famous palos are alegrías, bulerías and tangos which are more suitable for beginners.
3. Cante intermedio: Forms which are between cante chico and cante grande are divided into cante intermedio such as tientos and fandangos.

I have learned tangos, fandangos, alegrías, tientos, siguiriyas, and so on. Among the palos I have learned, my favorite one is tangos because it is joyful. I think tango is the easiest palo, but it is still challenging for me to execute the simple moves perfectly and beautifully. Maybe the easiest thing is also the most difficult one!

Siguiriya---Tough I can’t understand what he sang, I can feel the sorrow.

Tangos---A flamenco style in 2/4 and 4/4 time. Tangos which is pronounced by “dango” is different from ballroom dance’s tangos.

See also
Flamenco family tree
Flamenco palos

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Just for fun

Here are some interesting videos. Hope it can help you relax!

Buzz Lightyear can dance flamenco!!!( Toy Story 3)

Iron and Wine - Boy With a Coin
I love the MV !!!

Good luck and hope you can pass all the exams.=D

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Baile---shoes and props

Last week we talked about the three core elements of flamenco. This week I will start with dancing first. But before discussing the style of dancing, I want to introduce the dancing shoes and some props which are often used.

Many people ask me about the difference between flamenco and tap dance, and I think the obvious difference is the shoes. The two kinds of dances create different sounds because of the characteristic of the shoes. Flamenco shoes have nails in the sole and heel, but tap dance shoes are made with metal plates in the sole and heel.
See some pictures
Famous flamenco shoes company--Gallardo
I think Gallardo’s shoes are very beautiful, but unfortunately I can’t afford it.

Dancing with castanets, shawls, hats, or fans can make the performance more attractive. I think playing castanets is the most difficult among all the props because I can’t keep my fingers moving quickly and making various rhythms.

This video is from a musical, DON JUAN, which is not a traditional flamenco show, but I like their performance with castanets.

The origin of fans are from china and be combined with flamenco. I like to using fans the most because it can make colorful and splendid effect. Besides, it will be very useful if I feel hot while practicing!!!

See more videos
Dance with fans

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

So what is flamenco exactly?

What is flamenco? The origin of flamenco cannot be pinpointed exactly to a specific people. However we give a lot of credit to the gypsies who traveled from northern India into Spain. To put it simply, the art form originates in Andalucía (Southern Spain) and consists of three core elements: singing (cante), guitar playing (toque), and dancing (baile). Therefore, flamenco is not only a kind of dance, but also a kind of music which was influenced by various cultures, including Arabic, Moorish, and South American.

Furthermore, what is your impression of flamenco? Most people think it is passionate, joyful and powerful, but it can represent anger, pain and sorrow, too. The reason why flamenco is full of strong emotion is related to the persecution of the gypsies. They overcome the despair and hopelessness by singing and dancing, so some people also describe flamenco as a spirit of life!!!

The below video is one of my favorites, and you can see the three core elements: cante, toque, and baile.

See also