Monday, March 21, 2011

Why is flamenco?

I’ve joined flamenco club in NCCU for over three years. Learning flamenco was very difficult and depressing for me in the beginning because I had never tried any kind of dance before. But now, I love and enjoy the challenge, especially rhythmic and complicated “escobilla” (stamping of the feet) which I was afraid of at first.

In Taiwan, there are still few people know about flamenco. That’s the reason why I want to introduce this culture in the blog. I won’t write every detail about it because you can find a lot of information on the internet. All I want to do is let everyone recognize the basic concept of flamenco through an easy way. So let’s have fun in flamenco world!!


  1. Wow, it's flamenco! I've been interested in flamenco when I read the article about it on the Studio Classroom magazine. Among different kinds of dances I've known, flamenco seems to be the only one which the female dancers are more active and powerful. Actually, flamenco club was one of the clubs which I would like to join in during my university life. Oh, how I wish I can major in CLUB, since there are so many interesting clubs in NCCU. Also, the rhythm of Spanish songs is so special that I cannot but listen to it again and again. I will follow your blog from now on! =)

  2. I am a total dance disabled person; I don’t know how to dance at all. My friends says even a 3-year-old can dance better. I saw you said you didn’t try any kind of dance before, but know you can dance “flamenco”! I think you must have tried very hard in practicing. I think I should try to improve my dancing skill, too.

  3. To Annie
    I saw your profile and found you join many clubs in NCCU. Wow~~~you are super!!! I can’t imagine how you divide your time between studying and participating in activities. Besides, I’m happy to hear you want to learn flamenco. Welcome you to join our club in anytime. ^ ^

    To Mao
    Actually, I can only dance flamenco. If I dance hip-hop or jazz, I would still dance very weird. Maybe you will found the dance you love and suit for you in the future. =)
