Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Baile---famous dancers

Traditionally, male dancers concentrate more on complicated footwork and technique, while female dancers focus more on upper body movement and like to use props like castanets, shawls and fans. However, the differences between the two become blurred nowadays. For example, female dancers now also like to challenge themselves with difficult footwork, while some male dancers start wearing skirts to make their performance more interesting to watch. As time has changed, the dancing styles 0r the way that dancers dress have been more creative.

And now, I want to introduce my favorite dancer, Sara Baras, who was born in Cadiz, Spain, 1971. “She was taught to dance by her mother, Concha Baras, who ran a dance school in Spain. She has increasingly worked across all forms of media including television, film and the fashion catwalks and has won a number of awards such as Madroño Flamenco of Montellano (Seville) in 1993, 1999 and 2001.” (1) I like her performance because I think her movement is elegant, clean, powerful and breathtaking. Besides, I think she is beautiful!!

The video is from movie “Iberia” performed by Sara Baras.

Many people think flamenco is only suitable for women, and the men who dance it are weird or sissy. Actually, there are a lot of famous male dancers in Spain, and I think many of them dance coolly and awesomely. Therefore I choose the below videos and hope to twist the impression. The first video was performed by Antonio (male) and Manuel Reyes (male), and the second one was performed by Manuel Liñan (male), Marco Flores (male), Daniel Doña (male) and Olga Pericet (female). Hope you enjoy!!

See more videos
Female dancers
Sara Baras
Eva Yerbabuena (I love her, too)
María Pages (A dancer in “River Dance”)
Male dancers
Rafael Campallo
El Carpeta (young dancer)
Manuel Liñan
Marco Flores


  1. Wow~~
    You know so many things toward flamenco.
    I've always thought people who dance flamenco are charming and wanted to see the performence on the scene!! Hope I can get more knowledge as you before that: )

  2. The videos you attached are amazing!!! The dancers, either males or females, are incredibly wonderful!!! The performances presented by different dancers can give the audience different feelings. Male dancers leave a powerful impression while female dancers appear elegant. It is really a visual feast to appreciate their dancing.
    Thank you for sharing:).

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