Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Let’s visit a tablao (flamenco club)

I had kept thinking the topic I should introduce this week for many days, and finally I had decided to talk about “tablao.” The information I shared in several weeks maybe was not strongly related to daily life, so I chose the topic which might be useful if you want to see a flamenco show in the future.

Tablaos are flamenco clubs which are most frequently found in Andalusia. At a tablao, you can have a drink and order some tapas while appreciating flamenco dance and song. Compared to big and formal show, I think that seeing a performance at tablao is much more interesting because it is more casual and traditional. Furthermore, you can feel the dancer’s power and passionate (or crazy) atmosphere closely.

As an audience, you must know the word “olé” which means God. We say olé when we see something that is beyond words or when we hear a rhythm that is close to perfection. It is the highest compliment in flamenco. When seeing a show not only at a tablao but also on the street, you can yell olé or clap whenever you want just like you also participate in the performance. As far as I am concerned, it is the magic to see a flamenco show in live.

Let’s visit tablaos on youtube!!!

Commonly Used Jaleos (yelling)
1. Olé! - Ala! - Alé!
2. Vamos (lets go)
3. Arriba
4. Toma
5. Olé Guapa! (beautiful female)
6. Balia Bien! (good dancing)
More information
Tablao in Spain
There are some tablao’s style shows in Taiwan now, but not very often.

In the following weeks, I will keep sharing some interesting videos. Welcome to visit my blog again!


  1. You are really good at framenco!
    I like this kind of dance. And I have ever learned how to dance before. But I gave up after just one class. So I respect you very much. Hope you continue your flamenco life.

  2. Thank you. =)
    I hope that I can keep learning flamenco after graduating. I also hope I will never lose passion for it!

  3. It seems like you have been to Andalusia? At the fisrt time I enter your blog, I thought you are majoring Spanish. But now I knew I was wrong and that dacning flamenco is a kind of activity every one can enjoy.

    By the way, when I saw olé at first place, I was thinking this word is same with 阿拉 in Chinese. I think the reason why they uses this word to stand for god is that Spain had been conquered by Arabia in the Middle Ages.

  4. I have not been to Andalusia before, but I have seen some tablao or pena shows in Taiwan.
    You are right!!! Olé is derived from the Arabic word "Allah."
